About Me

Feel like you’re not quite in love with your words? Let’s change that.

Sarah happily smiling with her hair down standing in front of a clean white wooden wall wearing a black professional jumpsuit

This Melbourne copywriter is dedicated to helping you sell the right way so you can save time, beam confidence, and kick confusion to the curb.

Ahoy! I’m Sarah Marriott, a creative copywriter and brand strategist for small businesses that don’t do half-hearted.

This isn’t your average tale about a girl obsessed with words who always dreamt of being a writer.

*Insert game show buzzer noise*

Because I was…

NOT a natural-born wordsmith.

I was an artsy kid who grew up to be a graphic designer.

NOT a champion, super smart high school student.

Art class was where my heart was at, and I thought English class was boring. 

NOT a bookworm.

I was a true movie buff and still am, more than ever.

Just like you, I always felt I was meant to be my own boss.

I endured nearly a decade of graphic design jobs, office politics, pressure, anxiety and burnout (all the things) before I noticed something wasn’t clicking.

It was clear, I was over it. 

So, I abandoned what I knew and took a retail role at a luxury chocolate shop.

And to my surprise, this triggered the turning point.

Every day, I described delicious morsels of heaven to customers. Filling their thoughts with wondrous flavours, scents, textures and transporting them back to their favourite memories. 

I ignited their imagination. They could actually taste these luscious chocolates just by listening to my descriptions. 

Making them happy and closing the sale was fun and rewarding.

And just like that, it was a flick of a switch. I realised this could be more.

I couldn’t believe how powerful words were, and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops! (okay, but do I have to climb the stairs to get there?) 

Combining my marketing, sales and creative experience, I finally felt that click.

Writing intriguing, persuasive copy for flourishing brands was it.

Plot twist — I was going to be a copywriter and brand strategist. 

Sarah slightly smiling standing in front of a white wooden wall dressed in a professional black jumpsuit

So when the pandemic happened (oh yeah, that thing)…

I took the time to supercharge my skills in copywriting, brand voice and tone. And quickly, I was totally obsessed! 

With the chocolate shop shut and endless time at home, I fell down a rabbit hole of digital learning — immersing myself and filling my head with the possibilities of starting my own freelance business and actually helping people. 

It was the push I needed. 

So, since then, I’ve been on a mission to share the power, psychology, emotion and transformation behind words.

I love infusing my creative mind with my sales and customer service skills to give small businesses the words that sell for them in the authentic way they’ve always wanted. 

Today, I work with small businesses that want to connect with their audience on a deeper level, be memorable and make their mark. 

I know you want to help others in impactful ways, and you want the world to know about it (join me on the rooftop!). Whether your vision is big, small or somewhere in between — that’s something I want to be a part of with you. 

Let’s get your words sorted!

Sarah smiling sitting at desk working on laptop computer with a notepad and pen beside her dressed in a professional stripey top

But why choose me as your copywriter?

I want to help you understand the importance of your words.

There is too much conflicting advice dished out to small businesses that you need to have a flashy designed website, show-stopping packaging or a 24/7 running social media account.

And that stuff is fine, but it’s your words that are going to capture attention and connect with your people.

But I’m not here to just jazz things up and make you sound awesome — because it’s more than that.

Here’s how I do things differently…

  • I draw on my experience in the creative industry as an ex-senior graphic designer.

    I’m used to looking at things in a new light. Pulling things apart, analysing, re-arranging and piecing them back together.

    I think about themes and angles you can use in your copy so it’s not just a block of text. It avoids making your words dull and injects some creativity into your voice.

    I believe all businesses can be creative. They just don’t know it yet.

  • I want to make your words feel authentic to you and celebrate what makes you unique. The online noise is out there, but I believe you don’t have to follow suit to succeed.

    You can stand out with your own brand personality that will attract the people you want to buy from you.

    And I’m here to help you find it.

  • If you offer a product that’s a bit unusual, have an intriguing approach in your methods or deliver a service differently, you’re my ideal client!

    I love a good challenge. When you’re not sure how to educate or communicate your points of difference to your audience, I’ll unravel it for you so you can get your message across clearly to those who need it most.

  • Stop writing jargon or fluff and get your audience excited to take action. It’s easy to slap out salesy copy like “buy my stuff now” when you don’t know what to write.

    But did you know there are better ways to tap into your buyer’s wants and needs?

    I love leaning on storytelling to help you resonate with your audience. I help you leverage your values, mission and unmatchable brand story so that you can have a voice and tone that reflects your business down to a tee.

  • I make working with me as easy as possible. I give you full support throughout the whole process, and you can ask me as many questions as you need.

    All I ask from you is that you have an initial phone call with me, fill out my questionnaire to the best of your ability and provide your feedback and revisions. I’ve got your back for everything else!

Black and white image of Steve wearing a professional suit

Sarah has a unique ability to analyse our products and re-launch many as if they have just been released for the first time.

She is very able to assess an unfamiliar target market quickly as well as capture many technical terms used in our products and return copy with a short turn around time frame. 

Her copy along with her social media advice was able to move more products than expected at the height of the COVID-19 lockdowns and make better use of our website for online sales. 

Working with her is beyond easy and professional.

Stephen McLachlan,
Editor of Australian Railway History Magazine, NSW

Female business owner working at macbook with a coffee mug and flowers around her desk

I'm here to help small businesses that love making a positive difference.

You’re a service provider, professional, entrepreneur, creative, or product-based brand that cares and wants to make a lasting impact.

  • Maybe you…

    Provide a transformative health experience that changes your client’s life for the better,

    Deliver a creative service that gives people heartwarming memories they can keep forever,

    Or your products are kind to the environment to encourage change.

    Whatever you do, your copy needs to flow with empathy and purpose, but you worry you’re not getting the message right or something is missing.

  • But find it challenging to communicate it clearly and effectively to your dream customer or client.

  • Staring into the void of the blank screen has become your regular ritual. So you write whatever comes to mind to tick it off your never-ending to-do-list, and it takes you ages. Then, all you hear is crickets.

  • But you sometimes struggle with imposter syndrome, perfectionism or the comparison trap — I’ve been there!

  • And want words that show how incredible your offers are and magnetise your message your own way. But you don’t want to be ‘pushy’.

  • Because your message feels unaligned, the vibe just isn’t flowing, and something needs to change.

  • And need to inject some strategy and clarity into your copy for all touch points, but you don’t know where to start.

Sound like we’re a perfect fit, like celery + peanut butter?


  • grey drawing of a heart outline with an orange fire symbol inside


    Be yourself, and don’t apologise for it.

  • grey drawing of an umbrella outline with raindrops with an orange heart drawing on top


    People trust brands that are aligned with their own personal values.

  • grey drawing of a lightbulb outline with 3 orange drawings of stars next to it


    Inspiration can come from anywhere — there is always room to spread your wings.

  • grey drawing of 2 puzzle piece outlines connected together with 2 orange heart drawings on top


    Don’t just follow the herd, find your herd.

  • grey drawing of a speech bubble outline with a drawing of an orange heart outline inside


    You have to understand others to produce copy that connects.

Sarah standing in the garden wearing a black jumpsuit with her hand in her brown hair and a slight smile on her face

Make connections, not clichés

There’s no denying it. You’re not like everyone else.

You believe in tackling your customer or client’s needs with an outside-the-box approach, and so do I.

But isn’t it ironic that you’re so passionate about helping others, but when it comes to your own words, you feel a bit clueless?

I love sprinkling a creative spin on your copy to focus on what makes you stand out. I don't half-ass it. I take the time to uncover what your business is all about so that your words reflect your values, mission and how you want to be seen and remembered. 

Say see you later to dull, salesy, cliché or complicated copy. I’ll ensure your words are conversational, sell to the right people, and help you feel aligned with your business goals.

So, if you want to bust out your mind-blowing message and show your audience you’re their go-to choice, let’s change things up and radiate all the goodness you have to offer. 

  • Get to know me on a personal level...

    Swipe for fun facts.

  • My partner and I adopted a beautiful, crazy, senior greyhound named Rosie in 2020.

    Year of the pets, and nothing else.

  • I travelled to Iceland solo.

    It’s my top destination with Japan a close second.
    Bonus fact: I have been to 3 French-speaking countries, but never France.

  • I am a real 90’s kid. I’m very nostalgic about 90’s pop and rock culture.

    I sound like such an old person when I say “back in my day”.

  • ‘To the moon and back’ by Savage Garden is my favourite song of all time.

    You’ll see me busting a move when it’s played over the supermarket speakers. Nerd alert!

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my comfort TV show.

    I don’t care how outdated it is, the storylines and characters are chef’s kiss.

  • I took a tour guiding course while I was working as a graphic designer.

    I thought this was my career change, but it turned out to just be an escape.

  • I have always swooned over tattoo art.

    Ink Master extraordinaire here! But, I am yet to get my first one (do press-ons count?).

  • My favourite foods are anything potato, chocolate and coffee.

    I mean, not altogether, but if that’s your thing, cool.

  • I LOVE listening to true crime and spooky stories — and then wonder why I can’t sleep at night.

    Ask me for podcast recommendations!

So, that’s me! I can’t wait to get to know you.
I’m here with my matcha latte waiting (good for focus)