Website Copywriting Services

Top view of a white digital tablet saying 'Make the words on your website the window to your business's soul' on the screen surrounded by yellow and purple flowers and a coffee cup on a wooden background

Do you struggle writing your website like you’re that awkward kid at the party?

Starting mediocre conversations, waffling on and on with confusing jargon, or just saying hardly anything at all?

And worst of all, the person listening to you is damn right bored and makes a swift exit to chat to someone else.

That’s exactly what your prospect does if they can’t find what they’re looking for on your website.

They bail as fast as a teenager when the cops come to crash the party.

So with that, are you making these common website mistakes?

  • Your website is super minimal and lacks information about your story, mission, values, what you do and how you can help.

  • Your Instagram or Facebook page acts as your website.

  • You focused too much on the look, colours and fonts of your website that you forgot about your words.

  • You only have a homepage crammed with the kitchen sink.

  • Your product descriptions are as dull as dishwater and include a bland list of features that no one cares about. Not to mention, you also have duplicates of the same descriptions for multiple products.

  • Your service descriptions don’t really tell your audience what they are getting and how they will benefit. 

Your website is your time to shine

It’s where most people will find you and want to know if you’re the right choice for them.

You want to kick out the confusion by telling your audience exactly what you do, why you do it, how you can help them and why you’re better than the rest.

So, you need to establish trust and show your prospect you are a perfect match.

But they don’t just want to know what you sell.

They want to feel the heart and soul behind your business. Your website is the best place for telling your one-of-a-kind brand story where your audience can truly resonate with you.

Sharing your story exudes how much you care, shows the blood, sweat and tears it took to get to where you are and how you want to make positive changes to who you serve.

It makes you memorable and completely unmatchable.

But what if you’re not sure how to do this?

I’ll help you tell your story the way you want to be represented. I’ll make it conversational, compelling and captivating so your reader can’t wait to see what happens next.

So whether you’ve just started your business and you need a website to get things going, or you’re doing a pivot and need a refreshed rebrand, I’m here for you.

Natural Pet Supplements logo with gold background and black typography and graphic of dog and cat together

It was wonderful to see the difference in a professional!

Sarah did some awesome and funny rewrites about my ‘dog of the week’ segment. My friends were like “her’s is way better than what you were writing”. So I decided to use Sarah to write up my product descriptions for my new range being released.

The descriptions are the perfect balance between informative, witty and engaging.

I’ve had excellent sales for a new product ‘Pain Support for Dogs and Cats’. I think this is because it is a serious subject but has been explained with her descriptions so well that people will trust the brand.

Sarah is very easy to work with, responsive and does so much research into what you need. She is a gem!”

Erin Follington,
Founder of Natural Pet Supplements, WA


  • I understand the basic fundamentals of SEO copywriting (search engine optimisation).

    However, I do not call myself an SEO copywriter and do not currently offer SEO services.

    My main focus is on the psychology behind selling, brand voice strategy and making your copy creative and connect with your audience.

    Clear, relevant, well-written information is my specialty. Therefore your copy will be made for humans, which will naturally help your SEO.

    I cannot make promises to getting your website at the top of Google search.

    If you need in-depth, ongoing SEO services, you may choose to outsource your requirements to an SEO expert after utilising my copywriting services.

  • No, I do not offer design services for website. I provide you with the copy for your website so you can implement it in your own time.

  • I can help you with this. Please reach out to me for a custom quote.

  • At this point in time, I do not offer social media copywriting services on their own. I only offer caption copywriting as part of a few selected packages as a bonus or add-on.

Is website copywriting for me?

    • You want your website to be the window to your business’s soul. You want all the information in one place, so your prospect can take action to buy from you or work with you.

    • You’re proud of telling your brand story but have trouble translating it onto paper (or computer).

    • You want to instil confidence in your customer/client that they’re in the right place.

    • You want to re-vamp your product or service descriptions to sound more engaging and enticing to your prospect.

    • You want more eyes on your offers, and social media just isn’t cutting it.

    • You believe your social media pages can act as/replace your website.

    • You think no one cares about your brand story and journey.

    • You think copying and pasting/duplicating your product descriptions is the way to go.

    • You need specialist, in-depth SEO (search engine optimisation) services.

Chocolate crushed up and spinkled on a white background

Sarah's audit of our website was incredible.

It was so nice to have a fresh perspective from someone that has so much experience and attention to detail. 

I will be implementing all of Sarah's recommendations, and I can't wait to work with Sarah for further copywriting!

Noia Chocolate, VIC

Website Copywriting packages start from $990 AUD

Get your message out there with website words that wow your audience

Sarah sitting on bed in bedroom with a plant and lamp working on a laptop computer with notepad and pen next to her

Need a show-stopping sales page instead?

Sweeten the deal and generate leads by promoting your high-value offer.

A sales page effectively pinpoints ONE offer with a clear, straightforward objective of making the sale immediately.

Sales page copy is not easy to write, and you need all the correct components for your page to convert.

It’s the power of persuasion at its best!

Luckily for you, I use a proven sales page writing formula to ensure you hit all the stops.

A successful sales page will have:

  • A strong, attention-grabbing headline.

  • An irresistible offer and everything included.

  • Relevant information that reaps benefits for your prospect — they need the reason why!

  • Empathic copy to relate and resonate with your prospect.

  • Highly persuasive, engaging copy to keep you reading.

  • Social proof that shows authority and trust.

  • A consistent tone of voice throughout that targets the right audience.

  • A clickable call to action.

If that sounds like a lot and you’re ready to throw in the towel — call on me, I’m here to work through it with you!

I’ll make your must-have offer sound super tempting with persuasive but genuine words so you can sell without the stress.

Sales Page Copywriting packages start from $1,300 AUD

Can’t wait to nail the sales (page)?