Privacy Policy

Effective date: 18/06/2024 (the "Site") is owned and operated by Sarah Marriott. ABN: 60199216803. Sarah Marriott can be contacted at:


The purpose of this privacy policy (this "Privacy Policy") is to inform users of our Site of the following:

  1. The personal data we will collect;

  2. Use of collected data;

  3. Who has access to the data collected;

  4. The rights of Site users; and

  5. The Site's cookie policy.

This Privacy Policy applies in addition to the terms and conditions of our Site.


By using our Site users agree that they consent to:

  1. The conditions set out in this Privacy Policy; and

  2. The collection, use, and retention of the data listed in this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data We Collect

We only collect data that helps us achieve the purpose set out in this Privacy Policy. We will not collect any additional data beyond the data listed below without notifying you first.

We collect your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you and providing information to our clients. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure.

Data Collected Automatically

When you visit and use our Site, We may automatically collect and store the following information:
IP address, location, clicked links and content viewed.

Data Collected in a Non-Automatic Way

We may collect the following data when you perform certain functions on our Site:
First and last name, email address, phone number, address, payment information, testimonials, social media handles and support enquiries.

This data may be collected using the following methods:
Email, phone, contact/enquiry form on website and communication through social media.

The information you provide to us in our contact/enquiry form will be used exclusively to deliver accurate and personalized details about our creative services and pricing. We are committed to ensuring that your data is kept confidential and utilised solely for the purpose of enhancing your experience with us. By submitting your information, you consent to this use, helping us to tailor our responses to best meet your needs.

How We Use Personal Data

Data collected on our Site will only be used for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or indicated on the relevant pages of our Site. We will not use your data beyond what we disclose in this Privacy Policy.

The data we collect automatically may be used for the following purposes:
Analytics, statistics, understanding website performance, improving website performance and traffic.

The data we collect when the user performs certain functions may be used for the following purposes:
To deliver services, communication, administration purposes, preparing project proposals and contracts, invoicing and billing and to comply with legal obligations.

Who We Share Personal Data With


We may disclose user data to any member of our organisation who reasonably needs access to user data to achieve the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

Third Parties

We will not sell or share your data with other third parties, except in the following cases:

  1. If the law requires it;

  2. If it is required for any legal proceeding; and

  3. To prove or protect our legal rights.

If you follow hyperlinks from our Site to another Site, please note that we are not responsible for and have no control over their privacy policies and practices.

We may use your information for third party applications such as plugins, extensions or tools for the use of improving our website and services only. We may also use your information for marketing statistics or analytics but not for any other use.

How Long We Store Personal Data

User data will be stored until the purpose the data was collected for has been achieved.

How We Protect Your Personal Data

Personal details are only accessible to the business owner and company employees and will only be shared for legal purposes or compliance.

While we take all reasonable precautions to ensure that user data is secure and that users are protected, there always remains the risk of harm. The Internet as a whole can be insecure at times and therefore we are unable to guarantee the security of user data beyond what is reasonably practical.

Email Marketing

When you sign up for our email marketing list, opt-in for or download a free resource from our website or an external landing page or form, you will be automatically added to our email marketing list. We use an email service provider to manage our email communications, ensuring that all information is handled securely and in accordance with industry standards. 

By providing your name and email address, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and consent to receive email communications from us. Your personal information is never shared with third parties without your consent, and we never send spam. You have the option to opt-out/unsubscribe from our email list at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link provided in every email. While we strive to ensure the safety and security of our emails and the links contained within them, we are not liable for any viruses or malicious software that may be transmitted or for any unauthorized access by hackers beyond our control. 

You may be subscribed to multiple segments on our email list, so unsubscribing to one segment may not automatically unsubscribe you from another. If you have any trouble with unsubscribing to our list, please reach out to the email address at the bottom of this privacy policy, and we will provide assistance.

We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data, using it solely to keep you informed about our creative services with email newsletters, updates and special offers. 


We greatly value your feedback and appreciate your willingness to share your experiences with us. By providing a testimonial, you consent to us using your name, business, position, and details about the project we worked on together, which may be featured on our website, social media and other marketing materials. If you prefer not to have this information shared, please contact us, and we will promptly respect your wishes. Your testimonials help us demonstrate the quality and impact of our services, and we are committed to using them responsibly and with your permission.

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small file, stored on a user's hard drive by a website. Its purpose is to collect data relating to the user's browsing habits. You can choose to be notified each time a cookie is transmitted. You can also choose to disable cookies entirely in your internet browser, but this may decrease the quality of your user experience.

We may use the following types of cookies on our Site:

  1. Functional cookies
    Functional cookies are used to remember the selections you make on our Site so that your selections are saved for your next visits;

  2. Analytical cookies
    Analytical cookies allow us to improve the design and functionality of our Site by collecting data on how you access our Site, for example data on the content you access, how long you stay on our Site, etc;

  3. Targeting cookies
    Targeting cookies collect data on how you use the Site and your preferences. This allows us to personalise the information you see on our Site for you; and

  4. Third-Party Cookies
    Third-party cookies are created by a website other than ours. We may use third-party cookies to achieve the following purposes:
    - Providing you with advertisements that may be relevant to you
    - Understanding our website performance and traffic. 

How to Access, Modify, Delete, or Challenge the Data Collected

If you would like to know if we have collected your personal data, how we have used your personal data, if we have disclosed your personal data and to who we disclosed your personal data, or if you would like your data to be deleted or modified in any way, please contact us at:


This Privacy Policy may be amended from time to time in order to maintain compliance with the law and to reflect any changes to my data collection process. When we amend this Privacy Policy we will update the "Effective Date" at the top of this Privacy Policy. We recommend that our users periodically review our Privacy Policy to ensure that they are notified of any updates. If necessary, we may notify users by email of changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Information

We are committed to protecting your privacy as an online user of our Site. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints, you can contact Sarah Marriott at:

You can also contact us through the contact/enquiry form available on the Site. 

Effective Date: 18/06/2024