Copy Audit

You’re ready to launch!
But you’re unsure if the copy you’ve obsessed over for days is any good. Or, your words are out there, but you’re not seeing results.

If you’re not ready to commit to hiring a copywriter, but need guidance and advice on your website, emails or sales page, I’ve got a little something for you!

My pocket-friendly copy audit will give you confidence and clarity that your copy is on the right track. I’ll suggest how you can improve your words for a stronger connection with your audience.

I’ll help you give your copy a much-needed makeover so you can be sure the purpose of your piece is hitting all the right points.

Get the professional advice you need without breaking the bank.

Sarah sitting at table writing in notebook with pen dressed in a professional red cardigan and blue shirt

What’s included in the copy audit?

  • Copy audit for your website, sales page or email sequence/newsletters.

  • A full written document with my professional review, including copy and structure suggestions, that you can implement in your own time.

  • An optional phone call/Zoom call with me for briefing and debriefing so I can explain the process and my findings to you.

Banskia flower arrangement boquet

Sarah was absolutely fantastic to work with. I cannot recommend her highly enough!

The audit and feedback I received from Sarah about my website copy was immensely helpful and gave me the confidence (and understanding) of how to better structure and re-write my copy.

The whole process was seamless, and the copy prompts she provided were super helpful! Thanks so much Sarah!

Founder of Wilde Banksia Studio, NSW

 How does the process work?

  • I’ll send you 8 questions to answer about your business/brand so I can get an idea of what you do, your audience and your brand voice.

  • With your answers to my questions, I’ll analyse your copy and do a full review/critique. It will include suggestions on how to improve your words — copy suggestions, copy prompts, structure suggestions and things you can eliminate and focus on.

  • You get my advice, tips and findings in a detailed Google document. Then it’s over to you. You can implement my suggestions to your copy in your own time.

  • You can choose to have an optional Zoom or phone call with me for briefing before we start and debriefing when we finish if you would like further information and explanation.

What you need to have:

A piece of copy fully completed or close to being completed. I accept full websites (or just your homepage and about page), sales and landing pages and email sequences or newsletters.

They can already be published or unpublished. 

Please note: The audit is NOT a complete rewrite of your copy. It is suggestions and actionable tips for you to apply to your copy yourself.

Is a copy audit for me?

    • You are not ready to hire a copywriter to do all the work for you, but you want to improve your existing copy.

    • You don’t have the budget to hire a copywriter at the moment and are looking for an alternative.

    • You’ve been writing your copy for an extended period of time. Your eyes and brain hurt, and you can’t make sense of it anymore! So you need a refreshed pair of eyes to have a look-over.

    • You prefer to DIY your own copy.

    • You’re ready to fix your copy so your message is clear and directed to the right audience.

    • You need a complete rewrite of your piece. For this, I can provide you with my full copywriting services.

    • You don’t have the time or patience to implement changes to your copy.

    • You forgot you had to publish your piece yesterday, so you need an urgent overnight turnaround.

Kristen founder of Spray-Free Farmacy holding vegetables on her farm looking hard at work

Sarah prepared a copy audit for our homepage that was extremely useful and easy to implement. Her suggestions were very clear and she looked in detail about how to structure the whole page for the best results. Super helpful, thank you!

Kristen Ottaway
Founder of Spray-Free Farmacy, QLD

Picture of Wendy from House of May

I was looking for an English-speaking copywriter who could do a quick scan of my about page. 

Since I'm a small business owner, I was really looking for someone who could do this very specific copywriting job in a budget-friendly way.

Sarah did an amazing job! She gave me an easy-to-use document full of concrete tips and helpful advice. I didn't even know my tone was fatalistic in a certain paragraph. It's so interesting to get the view of an expert! 

All her tips were so concrete that I could change 75% of them almost immediately. Exactly what I needed! I will definitely take advantage of her services in the future!

Wendy Scheerlinck
Founder of House of May, Belgium
Photo credit: Buro Bonito

Copy Audit services start from $157 AUD

Ready for a copy makeover?