Email Copywriting Services

Top view of piece of paper saying 'Not just storytelling that gets you selling. Nurture your sunscribers with value-packed emails they look forward to reading.' on top of purple background with white and yellow flowers and a coffee cup

Do you remember the worldwide social media blackout of 2021?

Facebook-owned apps were inaccessible for over 6 hours — or what seemed like forever. 

Everyone was freaking out, not knowing when they would see that ever-scrolling feed pop up on their screens again.

It’s the end of the world as we know it…

Well, not really. 

Not for businesses that had trustworthy subscribers.

Not for businesses that were killing it with their email strategy.

Not for businesses that understand they don’t own their social media channels; they own their email list.

Putting all your eggs in the social media basket over email marketing is crazily common.

Confession — I’ve even done it myself. 

By doing this, you’re competing with oodles of other companies on the same platform. A lot of the time, your followers won’t even see your posts. And if they do, they’ll probably just scroll past!

The benefits of having an email list are:

1. You have complete control over your communication without fighting with algorithms. Your prospect chose to sign up with you, and they should always receive your email. 

2. Email was made to sell! You can tailor your emails to your audience’s specific interests and preferences for better-targeted marketing.

3. Email generates a higher return on investment than social media, with higher engagement and conversion rates. According to Hubspot in 2022, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get a $36 return. This is perfect for priming your audience with your launch and offer emails.

4. Your emails do not always have to be promotional with a hard sell of your stuff. You can leverage email to tell your audience stories, share social proof, share your opinion on related topics and provide valuable tips and information. These things will nurture your audience, connect with them and warm them up to buy.

Sarah sitting at desk smiling with a laptop computer notepad and pen dressed in a professional stripey shirt

Don’t ghost the people who want to hear from you.

I’ll help you provide your list with a variety of spellbinding emails (zero spammy spam spam), including:

  • Regular newsletters

  • Welcome/nurture emails (when a new subscriber signs up)

  • Brand updates or round-ups

  • Sales emails: marketing campaigns, launches and promotional offers

  • Autoresponse emails (with personality)

  • For e-commerce brands: post-purchase, abandon cart, win-back and review request emails.


  • No, I do not offer email design/EDM services. I provide you with the copy and you can easily copy and paste it into your email designs.

  • Yes. I offer retainer agreements for ongoing e-newsletters or sales emails.

  • No. I provide you with the copy, and you manage your email service provider tasks and email schedule.

Is email copywriting for me?

    • You want to be conversational, tell stories and connect deeper with your audience about your business and offers.

    • You want to make sales through email marketing without solely relying on social media.

    • You don’t have time to write weekly, fortnightly or monthly emails and wish someone could take the task off your hands (that’s me, hi!).

    • You want to send regular newsletter emails but struggle to come up with topics and you need inspiration.

    • You're having a launch, promotion or campaign and need help writing a series of persuasive emails.

    • You rarely send out emails of any kind and need a consistent strategy. Or, you send too many promotional emails and they are getting lost in your subscriber’s spam folder.

    • You want to refresh your current email copy because it’s dull and you want to sound more engaging.

    • You’re a start-up business and want to implement a welcome sequence, or you’re unsure where to start.

    • You need someone to create your email designs on your email platform.

    • You need someone to set up, schedule and manage your emails.

    • You don’t see the harm in sending out random emails.

    • You want to spam your subscribers with promotions and sales.

    • You believe social media is more important than email.

    • You believe A.I can come up with the all words for you and you don’t have to do anything.

Email Copywriting packages start from $560 AUD

Let’s get you an email strategy that nurtures, primes and connects.

Sarah sitting at desk writing in notepad with pen with laptop computer next to her dressed in a professional stripey shirt

Need an irresistible lead magnet to entice your prospect to sign up?

A lead magnet (also known as a freebie or opt-in) is a free resource to offer your subscriber once they sign up to your list. Essentially, you offer them immense value in exchange for their email address.

If you don’t have one of these, you are leaving money on the table.

Your prospect needs a reason to receive your emails. Once they sign up, your lead magnet will effortlessly lead them to your paid offers, increasing your chances of turning them into a customer or client.

So let’s turn that dull line under your sign-up block that says “sign up for the occasional newsletter” to “Do you want X result? Sign up now to get it!”

I can help you create a guide, checklist or template your dream customer or client wants, with a killer welcome email sequence to match.

Gift your audience with an all-worthy quick win! Let’s level up your email list with devoted subscribers and turn them into trusted paying customers or clients.

Contact me for a custom quote for your lead magnet

Ready to magnetise your message with more leads?