Bonnie Z - Content Creator and Entrepreneur

Image layout of a laptop, smartphone and ipad with pictures of Bonnie Z's social media posts and products

What a copywriter like me can add to your promotional copy…

Who was the sassy, bold content creator looking for a copywriter?

Bonnie Z is a busy, fun-loving content creator, YouTuber/streamer and entrepreneur based in Victoria.

She specialises in Pokemon cards, product unboxing and live-stream gaming. She loves sharing her passion for all these things while providing her audience with entertainment and interaction.

Why did Bonnie need help with copywriting for her online store launch?

Bonnie needed an engaging social media post to promote the launch of her new online store with a special opening discount, catering to content creators.

She sells organisational products and equipment to help content creators work better and smarter by having a neat and organised workspace to thrive in.

She wanted to provide solutions to help reduce stress and frustration for her customers so they could create their best content with a clear and positive headspace. 

Bonnie wanted her caption to draw in her audience, appeal to their pain points and make them feel the importance of having a dedicated, organised space to make their everyday lives easier.

It was also important to her that the caption reflected how she speaks to her audience.

Montage photo layout of professional photos of Bonnie Z content creator with a photo of a smart phone with camera roll

How did I support her as a copywriter?

Bonnie wanted her caption to draw in her audience, appeal to their pain points and make them feel the importance of having a dedicated, organised space to make their everyday lives easier.

It was also important to her that the caption reflected how she speaks to her audience.

How did the results stack up?

As an outstanding first-day result, Bonnie made an instant sale! Yay! Bonnie’s online store is still going strong.

The caption in action

Here is the truth about content creators.

Stuff gets busy. And when stuff gets busy, who suffers the most?

Your office. 😂

That’s right, I’m talking to you, messy desk person.

How many times have you posted your value-packed content, been super stoked with it, only to realise that annoying thing is poking out in the background or side of your screen?

We’ve all been there.

Well now, you can make your space the organised haven you’ve always wanted with the Content Creator's Store.

Need to untangle those cables? I gotcha
Need lights so you can actually see what you’re doing? Here here
Need display boxes and shelves for your organised chaos? Hallelujah!

Having a neat, clutter-free space you’re happy with can help you:

✅ Improve productivity - smash that to-do list
✅ Reduce stress - feel calm & confident when creating your best content
✅ Save you time rummaging through the constant mess that distracts you day after day

Celebrate the new & improved ‘finally getting my stuff together’ you with 10% off your first order.


Now, let’s hear from Bonnie.

She took the time to really understand my business model and write to my audience as I would.

The copy she wrote for my online store was like reading myself talk. She kept it to the point but still explained what I was trying to offer!

I received an order within the first day from the copy she wrote me!

Fantastic work Sarah and thank you so much. Highly recommend! 10/10.

— Bonnie Zanatta
Content Creator and Entrepreneur, VIC

Read the full review on the homepage here


Client Work: Natural Pet Supplements


Client Work: Becc Lee Marketing (White Labelling)