Natural Pet Supplements - Product-based Brand

Image layout of a laptop, smartphone and ipad with pictures of dogs and natural pet supplement's website

The product description copywriter for e-commerce brands

Who is Natural Pet Supplements?

Natural Pet Supplements is a Western Australian brand specialising in natural herbal medicines for dogs and cats. The founder, Erin, makes every product by hand, featuring premium ingredients that benefit animal nutrition and aid health issues.

They are dedicated to helping pet owners provide their pets with safe, all-natural and stress-free remedies. Their products help to improve their furry friend’s quality of life and keep them happy and healthy. 

What made Erin realise she needed help from a copywriter to create her new product descriptions?

Erin had struggled in the past to write product descriptions that were engaging and easy to read. She felt her descriptions for her past products were too dry and medical.

Because Erin is an expert in her field, she found it challenging to turn her words into clear and simple language, so people without her knowledge would understand.

How did I fit in as the new product description copywriter?

I wrote Erin’s website product descriptions for her brand-new line of products. The descriptions highlighted health benefits and how her products can provide relief for both pets and pet owners.

Natural Pet Supplements’ goal was for the descriptions to be informative and educational and have a light-hearted tone of voice to appeal to the everyday pet owner. 

This resulted in clear messaging with words and phrases her customers could easily understand without any confusing medical jargon.

Cute long-nosed dog staring at the camera

How did the results stack up?

Erin had excellent sales for one product in particular: Pain Support for Dogs and Cats.

She believed this was because my product descriptions were very well explained and that the words built trust with her customers.

My Words

  • Do you wish your pet could tell you how they’re feeling today? Sad, upset or in pain?

    Unfortunately, they may be suffering in silence. We need to notice changes in their behaviour, so we can give them what they need.

    When your pet is experiencing pain or discomfort, they may not seem like their usual selves.

    These signs can help you realise they’re not feeling their best:
    - Sluggishness, decrease in movement, shaking or anxious behaviour
    - Trouble grooming themselves, resulting in a scruffy and untidy coat
    - Agitation about being touched
    - Depression or feeling flat
    - Hunching, limping or constantly lying on their side

    Pain Support is a fusion of pain-relieving, calming, soothing and anti-inflammatory herbs to support your pet in difficult times of discomfort. Especially if they are in their golden years or have chronic conditions like arthritis or auto-immune disorders, they may need extra help with relief.

    Pain Support can provide your pet with the comfort and support they need to get back to their happy place — the park, beach or backyard. Safe to use with painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication.

    Suitable for dogs and cats of all ages.

  • Are your pet’s tummy troubles the bane of your existence? Does your pet always seem to have a skin struggle or gas bad enough to end a party?

    Just like humans, things like antibiotics, stress, poor diet or reoccurring infections can affect the balance of healthy bacteria in your pet’s gut. Luckily, probiotics are an easy solution.

    Probiotics are essential for supporting normal digestive function and overall health and wellbeing.

    Unfortunately, not all pets are getting enough from their food alone. Probiotics are paramount for boosting immunity and serotonin production — perfect for keeping your pet the calm and well-behaved angel they intended to be!

    Symptoms of imbalanced gut flora are:

    • Bloating and gas

    • Loose stools or diarrhoea
      Bad breath

    • Excessive scratching or reoccurring skin allergies

    • Yeast infections

    • Ear infections

    • Constant paw licking

    • Lack of appetite

    Probiotic Gut Support is made with a special blend of animal-specific probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes and Bovine Colostrum. Pure beef and bone broth powder have been added for high palatability, so your pet won’t be able to bark or meow 'no' to the delicious taste!

    Benefits of Probiotic Gut Support:

    Packed with prebiotics and probiotics to strengthen your pet’s overall health.

    Contains Bone Broth: naturally high in Gelatine, helps heal gut inflammation and is irresistibly tasty to animals.

    Contains Bovine Colostrum: the milk produced by cows after giving birth. This milk is rich in vitamins and nutrients, helps fight seasonal allergies, promotes healthy skin, digestive tract and improves immunity. It holds a powerhouse of healing properties, including IgA antibodies, proline-rich polypeptide and lactoferrin — all nourishing for the body.

    Contains Papaya juice powder: an all-natural source of digestive enzymes that help break down foods. It is also a sufficient source of fibre, plant-based nutrients and vitamins.

    Easy to add to food with no fuss.

    Suitable for dogs and cats of all ages and health.

    This formula supports all areas of digestion so your pet can love their everyday activities without the inconvenient belly ache. Because they have stuff to do — that ball isn’t going to chew itself!

  • Mobility Joint Support is the ultimate joint supplement for dogs and cats. It contains exceptional, superstar ingredients that reduce pain and inflammation.

    Carefully chosen, these are vital for healthy joint, ligament and tendon structure. They also help manage pain associated with osteoarthritis and daily workouts.

    This formula contains pure Australian beef powder and bone broth powder, which is highly palatable and excellent for turning fussy eaters into ravenous fans!

    Spotlight on the superstar ingredients:

    Hydrolysed Collagen Peptides are the hero here! They help support your pet’s bones, cartilage, joints, blood vessels and tissue. Having sufficient levels of collagen in the body can minimise the risk of injuries from daily exercise, jumping and playing — all the fun things your pets get up to during the day.

    Rosehips: Throughout history, Rosehip has been used extensively to help pets with arthritis. It is high in vitamin C, antioxidants and effectively reduces inflammation and protects cartilage.

    Turmeric: Blocks more pain pathways than any other known herb. Also effective for brain, heart, digestive and immune health.

    Black Pepper: Just a tiny touch of this everyday spice increases the absorption of Turmeric by up to 20 times.

    Bone Broth Powder: Made from bones to support the bones! Bone broth powder is naturally high in Gelatine, vitamins and minerals.

    Ginger: Increases circulation for fast formula absorption from tip to tail.

    Give your pet the VIP treatment by adding Mobility Joint Support to their daily meals.

    Suitable for dogs and cats of all ages.

Now, let’s hear from Erin.

The descriptions are the perfect balance between informative, witty and engaging.

I’ve had excellent sales for a new product ‘Pain Support for Dogs & Cats’.

Sarah is very easy to work with, responsive and does so much research into what you need.

She is a gem!

— Erin Follington
Founder of Natural Pet Supplements, WA

Read the full review on the homepage here


Client Case Study: Calm Space Psychology


Client Work: Bonnie Z Content Creator